Here's my heart: that we might create a haven for our husbands, who see so much of the filth in our world on a daily basis. That we might cover our husbands' departments with prayer-prayer for safety & peace and spiritual revival. That hearts would change in our country for LE, that LEOs would be respected.


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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hey Ladies...

Have you wondered where I've been? Well, this blog is just a challenge for me, in a way. I don't want to just write random stuff here. If I don't have something good to say, I tend to not say anything at all. I don't want to waste your time, after all. But I do think about this blog a lot. Too bad there's no counter for all the thoughts...

If you don't read my other blog, you might not know I'm pregnant with our fifth child. That is almost hard for me to write. I'm still getting used to the idea...I'm 1/3 of the way through and just finished my first trimester. The nausea is fading, thankfully!

I have wanted to post some thoughts about LE men and how we all know they get harder; more cynical the longer they stay in LE. I thought this was just a given. I've read about it over and over and I have even seen Shane get slightly more caloused.

However, in the last few months, I've seen a change. He's softened a bit. Now, first I need to say he's not mean or rough or anything, never has been.I've never even worried much about the changes. The changes I've seen probably couldn't even be noticed by others, it's very subtle.

A few guys have come to depend on Shane for a shoulder. He's honored and humbled when they approach him and say they need to talk. When he tells me about it later, I can see in his face and tell in his voice he's almost taken aback by the idea that anyone would confide in him and ask for his advice. And it's not just other LEOs, he was even bold enough to answer an inmate's religious questions and pray with him, knowing it could be risky for his job.

I suspect a little of it is age and maturity, but I have a feeling there's more to it than that. The Lord is working in his heart and He's put some good friends around Shane to encourage him. I think this is simply the fruit of all that.

I share this not to brag on my husband (well, maybe a little...) but to encourage you. If you have noticed those little changes as well (for the worse), then don't just assume it's an inevitable part of the job. We as wives have a duty to pray for the protection of our husbands' hearts and minds. We can also pray for the right coworkers and non LE friends to come beside our husbands for friendship. The Lord is teaching me about this as it all relates to the tough field of LE and He's reminding me of the power of my prayers for my husband.

Remember, God is bigger than any LE issue and he can turn any situation around in ways we can't even imagine. So just ask!