Here's my heart: that we might create a haven for our husbands, who see so much of the filth in our world on a daily basis. That we might cover our husbands' departments with prayer-prayer for safety & peace and spiritual revival. That hearts would change in our country for LE, that LEOs would be respected.


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Monday, January 14, 2008


What do you do when your husband's heart gets contaminiated at work? I know our husbands take precautions to avoid disease when they do searches, pat downs, and so on, but what can you do for him when he's looked into the eyes of someone who probably raped and murdered their own daughter? A daughter close to your own daughter's age. You know the officers have to be civil to them, even though I'm guessing on some level they'd like to take him down with their own bare hands. Shane doesn't seem to have trouble relying on his training, treating him with respect, but he comes home with a troubled heart.

We live in a rural area, with a low crime rate. Most of Shane's dealings are with drunks, druggies, and thieves. Rarely does he see an alleged murderer. I can only think of two in the recent months, three if I count the guy driving high as a kite who killed 2 days before Christmas on the most dangerous stretch of highway in our area (he lived and Shane helped book him in a week or so ago). This is the first child rapist I can recall in the 2 years Shane's been at the SO.

My heart goes out to the officers who work higher crime areas, where murder and rape are common. My friend and I went to a Women of Faith conference a year ago and her car was burglarized. The cop who took our report said he'd worked that bad side of town for 20 years or so. I'm sure car break-ins are nothing to him; I'd bet he's seen more than his fair share of serious crimes.

I don't know how to reach out to those officers, or even our local guys and gals who deal with that kind of mental/emotional trama, but when our family hears sirens, we pray. We lift up the officers/emts/firefighters and the ones they're helping. We pray that God would have so much influence on the situation that all involved would see His hand and be drawn to him. I'm going to start praying for the repsonders' hearts, too. This is a great way to remind your kids to pray, too-they often come to me and say, "Mom-sirens, pray!".

Be blessed-and pray :)


Morgue Mama said...

I found your link in in the books for spouses forum...I feel your pain about what they have to deal with - my husband worked 7+ years as a child abuse and sex crime investigator and the things he dealt worth were unbelievable! It helps for them to have a healthy hobby that is NOT law enforcement related... for my hubby he plays fantasy baseball and we have season tickets to a nearby team. We also take little trips to visit other stadiums. It's a healthy outlet for him! He's back in the jail now - dealing with scum who have WAY too many "rights"!!

Wendy said...

I think you're right on Morgue Mama (intereting name, I might add!). Sometimes I get frustrated that Shane doesn't like to do more with his LE friends, but I bet he's healthier b/c he he spends his days off with us-often reading, geocaching, or doing stuff with our preg center ministries.