Here's my heart: that we might create a haven for our husbands, who see so much of the filth in our world on a daily basis. That we might cover our husbands' departments with prayer-prayer for safety & peace and spiritual revival. That hearts would change in our country for LE, that LEOs would be respected.


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Friday, February 22, 2008

Night Out

Well, well, last night was a huge, fancy smancy evening. About seven years ago, Shane and I started a Pregnancy Resource Center and each year we hold a formal Gala with fancy dinner and a pro-life speaker. We all dress up and have a great time showcasing what God has done through the ministry while gathering/sustaining support. All of us board members, staff and close friends of the ministry host tables--which means we fill up a table with our friends who don't know about the center. Shane filled up two tables with his LE friends. Most of whom I've met, but only briefly. I was so pumped about getting to socialize with all his coworkers! I couldn't wait.

That all changed 2 days before the Gala. Tuesday Shane said he thought he had the flu. Wednesday night I had to drive him to the night clinic because he was so sick. I started to fear he wouldn't get to go to the Gala and I'd be all alone with all these officers, including his Sgt. and Cpt. When I got up Thursday morning, it was reality that Shane wouldn't make it that night. I was sick to my stomach and nervous all day long. I was on the verge of tears at points during the day, dreading the responsibility of keeping the conversation going with people I hardly know without my husband there as a buffer. What if I said something wrong? What about the very likely possibility that I'd say something stupid?

Well, I didn't need to worry. I got to sit by my favorite friend of Shane's, Officer H and another good friend of Shane's were at my table, and his Sgt and another guy I don't know sat near us. They were such an easy crowd to be around, especially Officer H. She's a blast and I had a great time chatting about all things from her future costume party wedding to her & Shane's huge fear of spiders. The funniest thing was when I realized that as we were talking about guns, we were both talking with our hands and making shooting motions with our hands. I quickly put my "gun" away when I thought about how we looked.

I probably still said plenty of stupid things, but thankfully no one let on if I did :) Oh, and the center raised $64K for the year!

Edit-in case you're concerned, Shane's slowly on the mend, but boy this flu is hard! He's pretty much one with the bed!

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