Here's my heart: that we might create a haven for our husbands, who see so much of the filth in our world on a daily basis. That we might cover our husbands' departments with prayer-prayer for safety & peace and spiritual revival. That hearts would change in our country for LE, that LEOs would be respected.


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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ahhh, the Joys of Schedule Changes

If I've learned anything in the last couple of years that Shane's worked at the SO, I've learned not to get attached to any regular schedules and don't assume anything regarding vacations either :)

Thankfully, the corrections side of the SO doesn't do any strange shift assignments--no rotating shifts or anything. And the current shift changes is at our request, but it still takes time to get used to a new schedule.

Since we're doing a new schedule this week, I thought I'd share some insights to making it as smooth a transition as possible.

First, know that it's not just you, we all struggle trying to regain our balance when our rhythm is off. Shane came in today, saw one of the girls' karate uniforms draped over a chair and asked, "Why did the girls have karate practice last night?" "Ummm, because it was Tuesday and karate is on Tuesday." "Oh," he said. "I didn't even know it was Wednesday today."

I didn't realize I'd taken it for granted that his extra work days were on my weekend, so it wasn't so stressful to have him gone all afternoon. Now it's during my work week and I'm feeling the pinch! He's not available to get the baby down for a nap while I finish up the big girls' schoolwork before heading out the door after lunch. When our 4 year old got sick while I was at work Tuesday, he wasn't home so I had to let her sleep on my office floor. It will take me a few weeks to get used to this new arrangement. That is normal, so don't beat yourself up if you struggle with it.

Lay low-keep activities to a bare minimum while you adjust. No need to start some new house cleaning system until you regain a feel for your "easy days" and your "hard days". (My easy days are when I have no obligations outside of the house and can stay in my PJs all day-my hard days are when I'm working or otherwise have a big project to complete).

Bless him-remember, this adjustment is hardest on him, more than likely. It's his sleep/wake cycle that's changing and he may have to go from working with a good buddy to a brown-nosing ultra annoying pompus jerk (that's totally fictional, I'm SURE we don't know anyone of those types, lol). So, do whatever you do to bless your guy-a nice lunch, extra care in rounding up all his officer paraphanalia, send brownies for the entire shift, whatever. Just don't forget that it's not all about you ;) (There's a slight chance I might struggle here from time to time...)

Remember-the bigger the change, the longer it's going to take to get into a rockin' flow again. When Shane went on the midnight-8am shift, a wise friend said it'd take 6 months for him to fully acclimate. I know she's smart, so I didn't balk at it, but I wanted to. She was right. Don't put pressure on yourself or your husband too soon.

And, for all you laid back types who aren't fazed by this stuff-I'd bet you really are. When you're feeling stressed, anxious, frazzled or maybe even angry-it's probably from the changes in your routine.

Perservere, you'll adjust and even the craziest schedules become normal for you. Just don't get too used to it--the schedules always change again once you get settled in :)

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